Tag - FALI - Florida Association of Licensed Investigators

Is He Cheating

How do you know if he's cheating? Is his attitude different? Is he coming home later than usual? Is he on the phone all the time? Is He Cheating? All of these questions are warning signs to cheating. Call the Michigan Infidelity Investigators at Eye Spy today. Is He Cheating? Eye Spy Can Help! Why? Because when a man is cheating, They'll...

Is Your Boyfriend Married

Have you ever been in the most perfect relationship? You thought, how could anything ever go wrong? What if there are a few suspicions that keeps you on your toes? What if your perfect boyfriend randomly disappears for a few days, and doesn't answer his phone like usual? Or if he only answers while he is at work? Why does...

What Goes Around Comes Around

When you think of the term 'What goes around comes around' what is the first thing that comes to mind? Karma. Why karma? Because when someone does you wrong and makes you feel down, eventually the same (or worse) will come back to that person. Do you suspect Infidelity? Call the Michigan Infidelity Private Investigators at Eye Spy today. Now, when...

Do You Have Suspicions?

How often does your spouse / significant other go out during the week? Is it everyday after work? Every other day? Or just during the weekend? Either way, you're pretty suspicious about them going out more than usual. .  saying, "maybe they gained a drinking problem? Or they're starting to gamble? What if they don't like spending time with me? Perhaps...

Michigan Private Investigator

Are you starting to wonder if you should hire a Michigan Investigator? Here is some information about our company. Eye Spy Detective Agency is the top Michigan private investigator and security company in the state. Our main headquarters is located in the Detroit area. Furthermore, some of our services include: General surveillance and investigations, criminal, process service, security, workers comp, infidelity,...
