Cheating Partner

Michigan Private Investigations

Is your significant acting suspicious? Contact us and get the evidence you need. We can forensically retrieve information from cell phones, laptops, Computers, Deleted Data, Texts, Emails and more. All cases are 100% Confidential.

Uncover Online Dating Profiles, Unknown Social Accounts, Photos & More. Find information on anyone. Locate someone. Dark Web Scan. Arrest Records. 24-7 Customer Service. Unlimited Lookups. DUI and driving Record Search. Simple Background Checks.

Call the Michigan Private Investigation team at Eye Spy today (888) 393-7799

Trust Your Gut Instinct: Michigan Cheating Investigations

Think your partner is cheating?  Well, chances are, you might be right. Therefore, you should trust your gut instinct! Your tummy could be your best guide. If you trust in everything everyone tells you, you'll never develop your own ideas. So, you should start believing in your own intuitions, now. Because they truly are the green light towards your life. Is...

National Mistress Day February 13th

Did you know that February is National Mistress Day? A new day for the calendar? The day before Valentine's Day is the day unfaithful men plan to see their mistresses. The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy are gearing up to bust cheaters. Do you suspect Infidelity? If so, call Eye Spy today! February 13th is National Mistress Day Loyal wives may be gearing...

The Signs Of A Cheating Spouse: Michigan Infidelity Private Investigators

Has your spouse been acting weird lately? Maybe they're not acting like themselves. Or maybe they're going through a weird funk. However, they could they be cheating! Here are the signs of a cheating spouse. Call the Michigan Cheating Spouse Investigators at Eye Spy today to get the evidence that you need. Many couples wont jump to the conclusion that their...

Christmas Shopping

Are they really Christmas shopping? Or could they playing reindeer games? Beware! Cheaters are their most promiscuous at Christmas! Cheaters will do anything as they cannot be bear to be away from their flame. If you find your spouse or significant other lost in their thoughts, chances are using their imagination to grant themselves a fleeting moment in the arms of their lover.The...

Catching Cheaters: The Mile High Club Flight

Do you suspect that your spouse found a legal way to join the Mile High Club? Every day, more and more cheating couples are having sex on planes. There's no official club of that name, it's just an expression, meaning sex aboard an aircraft in flight. It happens on nearly all flights. The Michigan Infidelity Investigators at Eye Spy can help...
