
Slay All Day

People joke around and say that they slay all day. But have you ever wondered if your significant other has a criminal past? We don't meet our significant others like we used to. Consequently, now that we have the internet, many Americans turn to online dating sites to find their life partners. About 1 in 5 Americans have a criminal record....

Skinamarinky Dinky Dink

What does Skinamarinky dinky dink Skinamarinky Doo mean? It means I Love You! But do they really love you? Did you know that most cheating takes place during the day? Find out what they really do all day. The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy can get you the evidence you need. Skinnamarinky dinky dink Skinnamarinky do, I love you! I love you in the...

The One Thing

What's the one thing that you can do to make your marriage last longer? You have three guesses. According to a study, the number one thing you can do to make your marriage last longer, is to have an affair! 75% of people have an affair to make their marriage last longer. Do you suspect infidelity? Call the Michigan Cheating Investigators at Eye...

Oh My Gourd

It's Fall, Oh My Gourd. But, the real question is, did they really fall and hurt themselves, or are they lying? Consequently, Workers’ comp fraud costs businesses in the United States about $30 billion annually. Do you suspect that an employee has filed a false claim? Call the Michigan Worker's Comp Fraud Investigators at Eye Spy Detective Agency and allow our...

Know Your Worth

Are some people worth melting for? Do you know your own worth? Self-worth is how you value yourself. It’s not based on what others think of you or the things you have (or haven’t) accomplished, it comes from within. But it’s easy to forget that our worth isn’t determined by outside forces. Find out if they are worth their weight in...
