Cheating Partner

Michigan Private Investigations

Is your significant acting suspicious? Contact us and get the evidence you need. We can forensically retrieve information from cell phones, laptops, Computers, Deleted Data, Texts, Emails and more. All cases are 100% Confidential.

Uncover Online Dating Profiles, Unknown Social Accounts, Photos & More. Find information on anyone. Locate someone. Dark Web Scan. Arrest Records. 24-7 Customer Service. Unlimited Lookups. DUI and driving Record Search. Simple Background Checks.

Call the Michigan Private Investigation team at Eye Spy today (888) 393-7799

Happy Hol-al Dente

Are you feeling like Happy Hol-al-dente? The holidays offer plenty of reasons to be stressed out and anxious. Thus, the gifts you haven’t wrapped and the party invites. However, it's also the time of year that cheaters must meet up. Give yourself the gift of peace of mind. Find out what is really going on. Call the Michigan Cheating Investigations team...

Buttermilk Biscuits

He says that he loves your Buttermilk Biscuits. But lately, he hasn't been home to eat them. Does love end when a man stops eating at home? Finding out or even suspecting that your spouse or partner is having an affair is one of the most hurtful things that can happen to a relationship. Call the Michigan Private Infidelity Investigators at...

Happy Side Dish Day!

Happy Side Dish Day! Are you just a Side Dish? Find out! Side Dish Day Mistress Day is the day before Valentine's Day. Therefore, Valentine's Day is saved for their Wife, or long time girlfriend. However, the day after is known as the Side Dish Day. Not everyone can be the starter all the time. So some ladies end up settling into their role...

January Blues

It's a case of the January Blues. One spouse might question their whole life because they have been triggered by the January blues. However, if you want to file for divorce, that's usually something that has been brewing for a while in the marriage. Find out the truth. Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy Detective Agency today. It's A Case Of...

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

Did you see Mommy Kissing Santa? Have you ever witnessed one of your parents cheating? Either by accident or after some snooping, you discovered the affair. But, what do you do now?  If you confront them about it, how will they react? Should you tell your other parent about it? The best thing you can do, is to hire a Michigan...
