Tag - #DetroitMichiganPrivateDetective

Employees Faking Injuries

As a business owner, you need to be concerned about employees faking injuries. Did you know 6 in 10 small businesses worry that an employee will fake an injury and commit workers compensation fraud? The Michigan Workers Compensation Fraud Investigators at Eye Spy can get the evidence that you need. How this Will Affect Your Business Workers compensation scams can affect your business...

Not Good Enough

Maybe you were told repeatedly that you weren't pretty enough. Furthermore, their actions also enforced that you are not good enough. Has bitter and jealousy taken a toll of your health and well being. Find out more about someone and their relationship. Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy Detective Agency today. Do You Feel That You Are Not Good...

Feliz NaviDAD

Have you been wondering about Feliz NaviDAD? The holidays are all about family. And therefore seem to be tangled in questions of going home or being reunited.. But, that's not always a happy thought when you are estranged from a parent or child.During the holidays. As a result,  lot of childhood memories come back. This may make you start to wonder...

Covid Kisses

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is more contagious than any STD because it is spread by droplets in the air. Covid kisses are on the rise. You can catch it just by being less than 6 feet away from an infected person. Do you suspect Infidelity? Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy to investigate a cheater. Furthermore, you can get it...

Ambitious Women

Most Ambitious women are passionate about their goals, and that means even in love. Because they're always setting goals and chasing their next victory. Thus, their  relationships can’t be routine or predictable, because they'll get bored. But maybe the person you're dating is in financial ruin and looking for a life preserver? Call the Michigan Asset Investigators at Eye Spy Detective Agency today...
