Tag - Cheaters

Is Your House Bugged? Is Your Car Bugged? Signs That you are “Bugged”

Is your car or House bugged? It could very well be. Especially if you are going through a custody battle or dealing with a stalker. However, the information that one can get from bugging your house can land them in jail. Wiretapping is a Felony. Eye Spy can debug your home, office, phone and vehicle. Call the Michigan Bug Sweep...

All Hallows Eve

All Hallows Eve later became Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats. Halloween is the time when people act out of character. Which means it's a likely time that they will cheat. Find out what is really going on. Call the Michigan Cheating Investigators at Eye Spy...

Do You Have Suspicions?

How often does your spouse / significant other go out during the week? Is it everyday after work? Every other day? Or just during the weekend? Either way, you're pretty suspicious about them going out more than usual. .  saying, "maybe they gained a drinking problem? Or they're starting to gamble? What if they don't like spending time with me? Perhaps...

Cheating Spouse Investigations

Do you need to hire a Private Investigator who specializes in Cheating Spouse Investigations? Are you living your life in worry and doubt? Fearful that your spouse might be cheating? Then you need to find out the truth and put your mind at ease. The damaging effects of a cheating spouse can be monumental. But as hard as it is to...
