
Porn Addiction

Eye Spy investigations discusses porn addiction. Porn addiction is very sad. Consequently because the person who is addicted to the porn neglects their partners needs.  And satisfies their own without a second thought. So, If it’s possible, ask them to see a counselor about this. But, If they refuse, then they obviously do not think it’s a problem. Our forensic...


Much like MTV's new TV show "Catfish" our job is completely unique and deals with the aftermath of two people who have somehow, by the wild and unpredictable science of the Internet, found one another. Usually one of the parties contacts us (or one of their family members) to check out the other persons validity. However, lots of people have...

How To Catch a Cheating Spouse

Eye Spy Investigations discusses how to catch a cheating spouse or lover. Do you have the gut wrenching feeling your spouse, husband, wife, or partner may be cheating on you? But you haven’t been able to find enough evidence to catch him or her in the act? What if I told you there was a lightning fast way to catch...

Hiring an Investigator

The following contains information regarding hiring a Michigan private investigator. Do you think your spouse is cheating? Hiding assets? Cohabiting? Abusing or neglecting your children? If you answered yes to any of these questions you may want to hire a private investigator. One of the major reasons people hire private investigators for divorce cases is to uncover hidden assets. Eye Spy discusses...

Contractor Screening

How can a Private Detective save you money with a Contractor Screening? Firstly, employment screening completed by a private detective is an important tool. Secondly, weeding out the bad ones will save you time and pain, in the long run. Here's how an employment screening can save you time and money. Need Help With Your Contractor Screening? 1. Hiring Employees: As your company...
