Tag - Child abuse

Michigan Child Endangerment Investigations

Does your child / children have bruises, marks or has different behavior after coming from your ex-spouse / ex-significant other's home? Do you suspect Child Endangerment? What could be causing the marks and changes of behavior? Studies has shown that over 683,000 kids in the United States has suffered from child abuse in the past year.  And mostly from their parents,...

Michigan Child Custody Investigations

How can we help you with Michigan Child Custody Investigations? Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy to get the evidence you need. In case of a divorce or separation, child custody investigations can provide assurance that the Family Court orders are upheld in accordance with the judgements. We determine what the child/children experience is like with a custodial or...

Michigan Lie Detector Tests

Eye Spy offers lie Detector tests, drug tests, DNA tests, and semen tests. A Michigan Polygraph test device measures the involuntary physiological changes of a subject’s body as the subject responds to a question or statement. Polygraphs are the most popular lie detector tests used in the United States.  While attached to the polygraph instrument, the subject will be asked...
